4 Ways to Quickly Declutter Your Mind

We usually think of clutter as physical. It’s all that “stuff” you keep promising yourself you’ll clean up. Left alone, it seems to multiply on its own. Where you just had a few things out of place and distracting you a few days ago, now there are more.

Clutter is like that. A crowded, messy area magically attracts other items that don’t need to be there. While you may think this isn’t a big deal, it can be. Aside from the danger that substantial clutter provides (it can be a fire hazard, you may trip over it, etc.), any amount can be distracting. This kills your focus and concentration.

Maybe you don’t have much physical clutter in your environment. You are exceptionally neat and organized. If that’s the case, good for you. Don’t forget that clutter can also exist in your mind. Having too many unnecessary things in your head at once can keep you from focusing on the things that matter.

A woman in a red dress sitting at a desk in front of her computer. 3 pairs of arms are coming out form behind her body showing all the tasks she needs to do.

Here are four simple ways to de-clutter your mind. They go to work immediately, removing thoughts, obsessions, and other mental messes so you enjoy less stress and anxiety and better mental wellness.

1 – Divorce Yourself from Drama

This might mean saying goodbye to some people in your life. If they don’t provide more positives than negatives, their drama might not be worthwhile. Being around a dramatic individual regularly fills your head with unnecessary distractions.

The issues that the drama queens in your life are constantly dealing with become your issues to some extent. Ditch the drama. Say no to issues and individuals you don’t have to deal with. If the drama isn’t yours, you shouldn’t have to put up with it.

2 – Stop Living in the Past and Worrying about the Future

Well, maybe you can worry about the future just a little bit. It makes a lot of sense to plan your life. If not, you’re letting chance, other people, and circumstances decide how your life will go.

You probably know what we’re talking about here. It doesn’t make any sense to obsess over things in your past. They’re gone, and you can’t change them. Use any lessons learned to move on with more information.

As far as the future goes, constantly worrying about it won’t do you any good. This clogs up your brain and leaves no space for your mental machinery to deal with your life.  Read more about how worrying is a form of clutter.

A grid of 4 boxes to explain the significants of worrying.

3 – If It Runs on Electricity, Spend Less Time with It

From when some people wake up until they go to bed, they are bathing in digital distractions.  Constantly exposing yourself to your phone and tablet, television, laptop, and all the consumer electronics you encounter at work and play can overload your brain and fill it with mind-numbing clutter.

4 – Brain dump

Try a brain dump to help clear your mind.  Take a piece of paper or open up a document and write down everything you need to remember to do.  If you want you can categorize daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks and yearly tasks.

Record your workouts, household tasks, birthdays, anniversaries, work schedules, home maintenance, travel, meetings, entertainment, bill payments, financial commitments, health appointments etc.  From your lists start to schedule things into your agenda.  You no longer need to keep them in your mind.  This makes space for your important goals and finishing tasks on time.

These are things you can do right now, this very minute. When you do, you immediately start clearing out your mental storage unit. The benefits are less stress, more focus, and better mental health; you might even find yourself sleeping better at night.

What do you do to help declutter your mind?  Let me know.  Post it in the comments. 

Julie Stobbe with the Harold Taylor awardJulie Stobbe is the 2024-2025 winner of the Harold Taylor Award for outstanding contributions to the organizing industry and Professional Organizers in Canada. As a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach, she brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. She guides, mentors and supports you to be accountable for your time, complete projects and reach your goals. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at julie@mindoverclutter.ca

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  1. Nancy Neville on January 20, 2025 at 10:41 am

    What a fabulous post Julie! I find the mind piece is a lot of what keeps clients from moving forward with adownsize move. It just seems too overwhelming for them to to think about. I think mindset is the place to start.

    • Julie Stobbe on January 21, 2025 at 7:49 am

      Yes Nancy I agree in downsizing the mindset is where to begin. Sometimes you can be practical, there isn’t enough space for everything, mindset your moving on and your things need to move onto a better home, emotional how are these things from your past helping you to have the future you want. It is very complicated.

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