Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing services for you.

By Julie Stobbe / October 16, 2024 /

Reading time – 3 minutes

Mind over Clutter offers many virtual organizing services

Virtual organizing allows me to support your organizing projects by providing planning, coaching, accountability and mentoring while remaining at home or in the office.

A business women sitting at a computer talking with a client.

If you’re unsure about getting organized virtually try one of these complimentary sessions.

A complimentary 30-minute chat

You can show me your space, send me pictures or we can chat about how to start your organizing project.

A 30-minute complimentary menu planning consultation

After our 30-minute session, you will be able to build a menu plan that suits your food taste, lifestyle and personality.

A complimentary 30-minute home routine assessment

Having systems and routines reduces the stress and energy needed to keep things working smoothly in your home. They become automated freeing up time to do other things. In this complimentary 30-minute session, we will discuss one area of your life that needs a system to make things easier. You will leave with ideas you can put in place and try.

If you’re ready to start working on your project with me, book an appointment or contact me

Virtual organizing services

Virtual home and office organizing services can be offered in 4 formations. The  A, B, C, D’s  Read about each format and then contact me to discuss what system is best for you julie@mindoverclutter.

Create your menu plan

In this 2-hour session, we will discuss, your schedule, food preferences, desire to cook and the number of people in your household and create a menu plan that you can use for a year. It will be flexible and adaptable to each week.

Magnets make it easy to revise the plan

Establishing routines for your home

After this 1 hour session, you will leave with a step by step system developed to suit your needs to help make a specific area of your life simpler taking less energy to get the task completed.

A piece of paper that says Action Plan 1, 2,3 and a pencil

Resources that are available free of charge

Join my Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space for tips, support and accountability to help you have an organized life.

Follow my Facebook page Mind over Clutter.  It has a collection of articles on all aspects for organizing from many authors and sites in one place.

Watch my YouTube Channel for fun organizing tips

A head shot of Julie Stobbe with a blue and white striped background.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. She guides and supports you to be accountable for your time, to complete projects and to reach your goals. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space

Click here to learn more about working with a Professional Organizer.

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Virtual Organizing – who, why, where, what

By Julie Stobbe / January 23, 2024 /

Reading time – 5 minutes

Do you have a home or office that is creating anxiety and a feeling of stress and overwhelm? You know you want to change the situation. With a little knowledge, help and support you could start to feel happy in your home and organized in your office.  I have been offering virtual organizing sessions for 10 years, this may be the year for you to try it.

a nice pile of paper with a timer and coffee mug sitting on it.

Who would use virtual organizing services?

For clients who:

  • wish to do the “hands-on “organizing themselves
  • are uncertain about someone coming into their home,
  • want a cost-effective way to get organized
  • need to manage their organizing appointments to fit a complex schedule
  • need support to stay focused on the project
  • need accountability to help them reach their goals

Why would I offer this service?

Virtual organizing allows me to:

  • to provide support to my clients through prearranged online meetings
  • have clients all around the world
  • continue to work with clients who moved away
  • do organizing while coaching, teaching, supporting and mentoring clients

What would a virtual organizing session look like

There are probably as many ways to do virtual organizing as there are organizers.  Here are my 4  formats.

A series of mini sessions. 

This format starts with a one-hour session to establish the goals the clients want to achieve and is followed up with a series of 30-minute mini sessions to set steps to follow to complete the job.

a sign with blue letters spelling feedback

Be there with you

This format is for clients who don’t like to work alone.  I am with you on my computer helping you to:

  • know what to do next,
  • make decisions about what to keep and what to donate and
  • set up organizing systems to store your stuff.

picture of a lady in front of her computer

Complete Plan

This format is for the client who wants to work by themselves on their schedule. After you contact me,  I set up a 1-2 hour Zoom call and you show me the room you want to get organized. I develop a  customized organizing plan that you implement. If you have questions we can set up a support call to:

  • solve problems,
  • clarify the next step,
  • receive storage suggestions.
  • receive donation and recycling information
  • check in with you while you are working

a pad of paper with the title Action Plan

Develop Routines

A lot of organizing and maintaining a home, office or room is establishing routines and systems.  We work together to set up step-by-step systems.

These are the A, B, C, D’s of virtual organizing

For more detailed information check  Virtual Organizing Services on my website 

Virtual organizing allows an organizer to support your organizing projects by providing planning, coaching and mentoring. Share on X

To book a complimentary 30 minute virtual assessment use this link   or contact me directly at 

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of learning how you think and feel about your items to help you to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space


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Virtual organizers virtually organize anything

By Julie Stobbe / May 2, 2023 /
A laptop sitting on a desk open with 2 plants beside it. Virtual organizing, save money get organized anywhere anytime

Did you think virtual organizing was about using online tools and technologies to get organized? Working at a task solving your organizing dilemmas on your own by listening to videos?

Organizing can be done remotely, via video conferencing, email, phone calls, or other forms of communication with a Professional Organizer. Instead of having an organizer physically come to your location, we work virtually to get organized, set goals, manage projects, and keep track of important information.

Why is it important to work with a virtual organizer?

Some people might think if the Professional Organizer is not in your home doing the work with you why not work alone?  There are many benefits to having the expertise of a Professional Organizer available remotely.

  • Increased productivity: A virtual organizer can help you set goals and prioritize your tasks, which can help you get more done in less time.
  • Reduced stress: Receiving advice, steps and guidance that you can use immediately to organize your home or office with the organizer online with you, will provide a sense of control and reduce feelings of overwhelm. If you run into a stumbling a block, no need to procrastinate, the virtual organizer is there to help.
  • Improved time management: A virtual organizer can help you manage your time more effectively by creating schedules and routines that are tailored to your needs. Imagine having your week, month or year in front of you to manage busy times of the year, know when all your household tasks are completed each week and by whom, plan fun parties and stop double booking your commitments. While working online with you a virtual organizer can prompt you to think about items you may have forgotten or never even considered scheduling.
  • Better decision making: Some people are afraid to make decisions.  They fear making the wrong decision or making a decision that will hurt someone’s feelings. They may not have built their confidence that they are good at making decisions.  Working with a virtual organizer gives you someone to talk with about what to keep, what to do next, and how to allocate your resources. When you’re organized, you’re better able to make informed decisions about what tasks to prioritize, what items to keep and what goals to set for the future.
  • Enhanced focus: A virtual organizer can help you stay focused on your goals by providing accountability and guidance. If you start procrastinating, your online organizer will notice and keep you heading toward your goal. The accountability and guidance can be at the time you are working or during scheduled mini organizing sessions.
  • Virtual: It’s a convenient and cost-effective option for people who want to get organized but can’t meet with an organizer in person.   It is a good option for those who prefer a more flexible and self-directed approach to organizing. You can work on your own schedule to suit your personality and lifestyle.

Virtual organizing is the process of organizing and managing your space and time with an actual live human offering you support and knowledge. Virtual organizing is a great way to stay on top of your tasks and responsibilities and make the most of your time and resources.

woman sitting in front of a computer speaking with someone on another computer

How to Get Started with Virtual Organizing

Determine your goals and priorities:

Virtual organizers can virtually organize anything.  Everyone’s goals are different.  You may want to have a room/ space organized so it functions better.  You may need help with time management, scheduling or building routines that help to get the many tasks in a home or office completed quickly and on time without expending a lot of energy thinking about them.

Establish a routine and stick to it:

Scheduling time to work on your priorities is the only way they will move forward.  Why am I writing this?  Talking and planning about your project are important, the work actually has to happen too.  Setting time aside helps you to be accountable and prevents procrastination.  

Communicate with your virtual organizer regularly:  

Meeting with your virtual organizer on a regular basis will help to get the tasks completed.  Meetings can take many forms, including an email, text, phone call, 30 minute mini session or longer sessions while you are working on your task. Don’t think it is a one time conversation to get information and then you are on your own to struggle through the project. Most people are more successful if they use all the services and support the virtual organizer offers.

Track your progress and make adjustments as needed:

No plan is perfect.  As you move forward on your project it is important to evaluate the progress and plan.  You may need to adjust the length of time you schedule for working.  Some people do better with many short sessions and others like one longer one.  The length of the session may vary depending on the project and not only your style. A virtual organizer can offer suggestions, encouragement and information so you continue to complete your project successfully.

a cartoon with the word timeline across the bottom and a person running on top to reach the finish line flag.

Tips for Successful Virtual Organizing

Stay motivated and focused:

Your virtual organizer is not the only person who can help you stay focused and motivated.  Talk to friends about what you’re doing.  This will help you to keep the project at the forefront of your schedule.  They will ask how it is going and you will want to give them updates on your success. Use your technology to remind you of your work schedule and goals so you continue to see the benefits you are achieving.  

Keep your virtual organizer updated: 

Don’t avoid your virtual organizer.  We are here to help move you forward.  Lots of times life gets in the way and the organizing project gets derailed.  Tell the virtual organizer exactly what is going on so you can work together to make adjustments.  On the other hand, celebrating together on your success is enjoyable for both parties.

Celebrate your successes: 

Whether big or small it is important to recognize the success you are making in reaching your goals.

Be open to feedback and suggestions: 

Feedback and suggestions are a way to have a conversation to discover what is working well and what is not.  Both parties need to understand this. I always tell my clients if they can’t get something completed then we haven’t found the best process yet.  As a virtual organizer, I need feedback on how to best help my clients.  They may want me to push them a little harder to get something done, be more understanding about their situation, be a motivating force to help them remember why this is important to them etc.


Although some people may prefer physical organizing, virtual organizing offers many benefits, including increased productivity, reduced stress, improved time management, better decision-making, and enhanced focus. Give it a try.  Working with a human being is easier than navigating technology on your own or interacting with a robot. Almost everyone can use some help organizing something in their life.  Whatever bothers you the most, start with that task and let a virtual organizer walk you through the steps, give you the knowledge and help you be accountable so you will feel less stressed, happier and more relaxed. If you’re looking for a convenient and effective way to get organized and stay on top of your tasks and responsibilities, virtual organizing is a great option.

I think I have covered all the reasons it is fun and not scary to work with a virtual organizer.  I would like to hear your thoughts.
A head shot of Julie Stobbe with a blue and white striped background.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. She guides and supports you to be accountable for your time, to complete projects and to reach your goals. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space

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What does a professional organizer do?

By Julie Stobbe / June 14, 2022 /



2 blocks building block followed by a gold maple leaf The second line is 3 red building blocks sitting on top of Gold Leaf Member

Perhaps you are familiar with the Professional Organizer industry.  It is an unregulated industry.  Anyone can call themselves a Professional Organizer.  Professional Organizers in Canada  (POC) was established about 23 years ago and the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) the American organization is about 40 years old. Look for organizers listed on these directories.  Most Professional Organizers have their own businesses and specialize in areas of organizing. As you read their websites you will be able to see their years of experience,  type of training and continuing education.

What happens when you call an organizer?

Usually, there is some type of conversation over the phone, Zoom or email to discover what type of organizing dilemma you want solved.  It might be to have a space organized, help with moving, develop systems to make things function more smoothly, downsizing, coaching or virtual organizing etc. Then there is a description of how the job will be completed. This is about the only common business practice.  Since we all own our own businesses we have varying ways of continuing.

When you contact Mind over  Clutter:

Can you get an estimate of the cost for the work to be completed?

Most times it is hard to estimate how long a job will take during the conversation.  I offer a free one-hour assessment to my in-person clients to see what the job entails and give you an idea of how long I think it might take and what we will do.  I also offer a 30-minute assessment to my virtual clients.  One of the biggest factors on how long a job will take is how easily and quickly you can make decisions if items stay or go.  The second factor is, that sometimes the job expands to include unforeseen work: filing papers, assembling shelving or bookcases, corners and areas not discussed during the assessment. I work at an hourly rate and offer a package of 10 hours at a reduced rate.

How does it work?

My virtual clients have 4 ways of working with me.

  1. A series of mini sessions
  2. Be there with you online as you work on your project to support, coach and mentor you
  3. Complete plan is developed for you to do on your own timeframe
  4. Develop routines and systems to help manage your time

80% of my in-person clients work with me to go through items and decide what will stay and what will be donated or recycled.  Then we discuss the best place and way to store the items so they can be easily found and used. Most clients like to learn the skill of organizing so working together helps them to learn where start, how to sort, how to decide what stays and what goes, how to store things in containers and where is the best location to store different types of items.

What if you don’t want to help or can’t help?

If you don’t want to help, I can work alone sorting items based on our conversation on what you want to keep and what you want to donate.  Then I create a donate pile a garbage pile and a recycle pile.  Nothing leaves the house until you have looked through each pile.  If you can’t help, you can sit with me and I can bring you things to do and you can answer my questions.

What if you need some guidance but can do all the work myself?

We can work together virtually.  You show me the space to organize over Zoom and I send you a plan and you complete the work.  Here is more information about virtual organizing.  Or I can coach you through the process virtuallyusing Zoom by discussing what you want to accomplish and how you can accomplish it.

Maybe you don’t want me to see your home.  You can purchase my online course

Mind over Clutter Courses


What happens with donations and recycling?

At the end of each work session, I take the donations.  I will drop them at centers that will take your things.  I can take them to the donation center of your choice too.  I take non-curbside recycling at the end of each session. Usually, that includes batteries, paint cans, small electronics, small appliances, textile recycling, medications, and plastic bags.

Why wouldn’t you just do it yourself after the one hour free assessment?

Some people do.  They have enough information and can continue with the job.  Most people feel overwhelmed and stressed by doing it on their own.  They find it easier to work with a professional who can guide them through the problem, help solve it and reduce the stress they feel about the situation. Working with someone makes you block time out for the appointment and helps you to stop putting it off.  It is always more fun working with someone than working alone.

My virtual clients find that working with me makes them accountable to themselves and to me, especially in the mini-session program.  We work together weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Will you give me homework to do?

Only if you want it. Some people like to keep going with the work and get it done quickly.  Some people don’t want to work alone or would feel bad if they didn’t get the homework done so I don’t give that person anything to do.  There are some tasks that are very time consuming and if you can do it on your own it makes it more cost effective for you, sorting paper, going through books, CDs, VHS tapes, and clothing.  However, those tasks can be difficult to figure out what to keep and what to donate, so it might be easier for you to do it with me present.

Let’s chat

If you need more information book a complimentary 30-minute virtual chat with me, whether you want to work in person or online.  I hope to hear from you soon.

Portrait of young smiling shocked business woman wearing suit sitting at home office desk using laptop, looking at computer screen with happy surprised face expression, showing euphoric funny reaction

Please post your questions in the comments.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, in person and virtually. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space

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Is virtual organizing for you?

By Julie Stobbe / May 17, 2022 /
A women working at her computer

Reading time – 5 minutes

Do you have a home or office that is creating anxiety and a feeling of stress and overwhelm? You know you want to change the situation.  With a little knowledge, help and support you could start to feel happy in your home and organized in your office.  I have been offering virtual organizing sessions for 7 years, this may be the year for you to try it.

For clients who:

  • wish to do the “hands-on “organizing themselves
  • are uncertain about someone coming into their home,
  • want a cost-effective way to get organized
  • need to manage their organizing appointments to fit a complex schedule
  • need support to stay focused on the project

Virtual organizing allows me to:

  • to provide support to you through prearranged online meetings
  • I can help you no matter where you live
  • I can keep working with you even if you moved away
  • in addition to organizing, I can coach, teach, support and mentor you

There are probably as many ways to do virtual organizing as there are organizers.  Here are my 4  formats.

This format starts with a one-hour session to establish the goals you want to achieve and is followed up with 30-minute mini sessions to set steps to follow to complete the job.

This format is for you if you don’t like to work alone.  I am with you on my computer helping you to:

  • know what to do next,
  • make decisions about what to keep and what to donate and
  • set up organizing systems to store your stuff.

This format is for people who want to work by themselves on their own schedule. After you contact me,  I set up a 1-2 hour Zoom call and you show me the room you want to get organized. I develop a customized organizing plan that you implement. If you have questions we can set up a support call to:

  • solve problems,
  • clarify the next step,
  • receive storage suggestions.
  • receive donation and recycling information
  • check-in with you while you are working

A lot of organizing and maintaining a home, office or room is establishing routines and systems.  We work together to set up step-by-step systems.

There are the A, B, C, D’s of virtual organizing

For more detailed information check  Virtual Organizing Services on my website 

To book a complimentary 30 minute virtual assessment use this link   or contact me directly at 

Julie Stobbe Trained Professional Organizer

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of physical activity to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space

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Clutter free Christmas gift of organizing

By Julie Stobbe / December 7, 2021 /

Looking for a Gift of Time to give this Holiday Season?

Mind over has 3-hour packages designed to help with any number of tasks in the home and office.  Consider purchasing an:

  • Income tax receipt organizing package
  • Holiday cleanup package
  • Streamlining your office package
  • Organizing for the New Year

New this year a virtual organizing package consisting of:

  • An initial meeting to discuss the project and make a schedule
  • Followed by 3 guided work sessions to coach and mentor you through the work


Packages can be designed to fit the individual needs of the recipient.  This gift helps remove stress and clutter without creating more clutter.  Working with a professional will help them to meet their goals successfully. Purchase your introductory package in 2021 for $150.00.

Contact  to purchase your clutter-free gift of time.

What is the best holiday gift you received this year? 

A blue and white striped tunnel in the background with Julie Stobbe in the foreground wearing a white blouse.Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space


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Getting organized – should I do it myself?

By Julie Stobbe / June 29, 2021 /

Reading time – 3 minutes

Do you enjoy watching all the TV shows about people getting their homes and lives organized?  Some of those shows make it look so easy. So you start thinking about doing it yourself.

Car trunk full of bags of things to donate

Do it yourself?

This is a good answer if you are healthy and can lift and move things around your home to other spaces and out to your vehicle to take away to be donated. If you can schedule time for your project and are motivated to make your home work well for you, set the time up now to begin your project. There will be a lot of decisions to be made about what to keep and what to give away.  If making those types of decisions come quickly and easily you will be successful in organizing your home. You will need a system for sorting, parting with items and organizing things well.  If you have that plan or want to research how to get organized you are ready to start.

Need some instruction and guidance? 

If you enjoy the physical labour of working around your home and creating a space that suits your lifestyle and personality but you’re not sure of the steps try purchasing an online course.  They can give you the guidance you need when you’re not sure what comes next or how to set up zones in a room.  Once you learn the process you can repeat it until your entire home is organized.

Mind over Clutter Courses

Need some motivation and accountability?

You may have good intentions about organizing your home.  Getting started and continuing the work is the hard part of the job for you. Make sure to book appointments in your schedule to do some organizing work.  The appointments may be shorter ones every day or longer ones once a week.  Be consistent, working daily or weekly so you will see progress and that will motivate you to keep going.  Find an accountability partner.  That is someone you tell about your project, when you will be working on organizing your home and exactly what you will do that day.  They will contact you to see if you did the work.   Try working virtually with a Professional Organizer.  They can help you with the initial planning, you meet with them to discuss how the project is moving forward and if you are stuck, together you can come up with solutions.  They will keep you motivated and accountable.  Here are the virtual services I offer.

Need some help letting go of things?

Do you find it difficult to decide what to let go of and pass on to other people to use and enjoy? You may be very sentimental and want to keep everything.  Try thinking about keeping only the best of the best instead of everything.  If you have the best quilt, the best teacup, the best photos in one album, the best painting you will still have all the memories and less possessions to clean, pack, move or display.  Other people will be able to enjoy using the items.  It is important to remember that not everything that comes into your life is meant to stay forever. Develop some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide if you are going to keep something or let it go. Decide if you need to touch an item one last time to be able to let it go or if holding and touching the item makes you want to keep it. In this second case, you may need a friend to help you.  If you’re having trouble letting go of things from your past and moving forward I have a 9-week one on one coaching program.


Need some company?

Do you really dislike working alone?  Do you like having someone to discuss things with?  Ask a friend to help you.  Put on some motivating music and make it fun.  Make sure you know what you want to do so you can tell your friend what to do.  Have a plan. You want to make good use of the time and not let it become a conversation, coffee or consoling time.   Working with a Professional Organizer is a great way to have help with your project.  Two people working at it will get it done twice as fast.

Here are the in-person professional organizing services I offer.POC Gold Leaf Member

Need some help maintaining your organization?

Do you have a beautifully organized home and bit by bit the place starts to become messy again?  There may be 2 reasons.  First, you may need to adapt your plan so it can work better.  Wherever the piles are forming it is a sign that the place you have chosen to store those items is too far away or too hard to access.  Try storing those items in a new place so it is easy to get them out and put them away. The second reason for the mess developing is you need a maintenance schedule.  Each evening take 15 minutes to put things away and get ready for the next day.  Once each week use an hour to make sure your system is working, everyone is putting things away and declutter some items you may not need. As time goes on you may find small tasks and situations occur that you need help developing a solution for.  Sign up for my Laser Coaching Program. They are quick 15-minute appointments to discuss one (at a time) specific organizing dilemma and decide on a solution to implement.

Everyone has different organizing skills. No matter what part of getting organized is a stumbling block for you there are resources to help. Share on X   Let me know in the comments what is the hardest part of getting or staying organized for you.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space


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Virtual organizing with Mind over Clutter

By Julie Stobbe / April 21, 2020 /

Book a virtual appointment

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She enjoys working with her clients to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She reduces clutter, streamlines processes and manages time to help her clients be more effective in reaching their goals. Julie can coach you to break-free of the physical or emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space


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Get your life reorganized

By Julie Stobbe / March 19, 2019 /

Reading time – 3 minutes 

Remember to donate items to charity and not to put them in the garbage.

Being organized is not about being perfect. 

Anyone can learn to be more organized.  It is a set of skills that can be taught.  Organization creates efficiency and effectiveness, making your life and surroundings perform optimally for you.  When you start organizing remember these tips:

  • Accept your limitations on time, space, energy and money
  • Be consistent,  do a little at a time on an on-going basis
  • Acknowledge your successes.  Success breeds success motivating you to do more.
  • Take it one day at a time

How do I decide where to start?

I tell my clients:

  • to start with the space that is bothering them the most.
  • sometimes you may need to start in an area of your home that you are going to use for storage.  Organizing that space first will give you more places to store items that need to be removed from other rooms.

How do I start?

Get some boxes and bags for :

  • garbage
  • recycling
  • things to go to other rooms – put them in a container and take them after you are done working in the space you are organizing.  If you leave the room you might never return
  • things to be returned to other people – put them in a container and return them to the correct owner after your organizing time is over.
  • don’t buy organizing products – wait until you know what you are storing, where you are storing it, and how much you have to store.  Then you can the best container to hold the items.

How do I get the room to look nice?

There are 5 steps to follow:

Step 1 Sort 

Sort everything in the room into categories.  The categories depend on what is in the room.  You might have:

  • electronics
  • books
  • tools
  • computer items
  • dishes
  • food categories
  • cosmetics
  • paper supplies

Figure out the categories of things you have in your room  and sort the things you can see and then work in the drawers and cupboards

Step 2 Part with items

Part with items you no longer need  and donate them to charity

Step 3 Assign a home

Find the best place to store the item, close to where you use them and so you access them easily. Things you don’t use very often can be stored further away and in less accessible places.

Step 4 Containers

Now is the time to get the right container to store the items.  Anything can be a container:

  • boxes
  • wine boxes cut in half
  • magazine holders
  • jars
  • tins
  • plastic bins
  • bags

 Step 5 Evaluate

Use your system and then see:

How do I remember all this?

Easy it spells SPACE

S – sort

P– Part with items

A – Assign a home

C – Containerize

E – Evaluate

If you need some help with your organizing book a 50 minute break through organizing session .  Click on the link to book your complimentary appointment, and speak with me to get helpful tips to get you unstuck. Organizing Break Through session 

Julie Stobbe, professional organizerJulie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space


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Virtual Organizing-Is it for You?

By Julie Stobbe / January 16, 2017 /

Sarah Buckwalter

Sarah Buckwalter

Certified Professional Organizer®, Sarah Buckwalter, has over 17 years of experience running an award-winning organizing business, Organizing Boston. With a desire to help everyone get organized, Sarah developed Organizing U. Organizing U offers a professional organizer directory, online courses and virtual organizing programs to help people live more organized lives. Organizing U also offers training programs for Professional Organizers.


Virtual organizing is a new field for the Professional Organizing industry in Canada.  How well established is virtual organizing in the United States?

Virtual Organizing is a new field in the US as well. While there are a handful of organizers who are offering virtual organizing in the US, many are just learning about it and starting to explore it.

Virtual organizing will be the perfect solution for some people but not for others.  Who do you think benefits from virtual organizing as compared to working with a professional organizer in person?

The people who get the most benefit out of virtual organizing are those who are able to do the physical work themselves, but just need (or want) the direction and expertise of a professional. Virtual organizing is great for those who need some accountability while they work through their organizing project. If someone is unwilling or unable to do the work themselves then they will not benefit from virtual organizing.

When you are communicating with your virtual clients do you like to use the telephone or some other technology?  Which technologies have you found to work well for communicating with your clients?

I prefer to use video because you can see the space first hand. I think it allows you to achieve a greater connection with the client because it feels as though you are there with them. I find Skype and FaceTime to be the best platforms. Skype works on any device, so that would be my first choice.

When a client has hired you to work with them, what are your next steps in helping that client become organized?

My first step is always to create an organizing plan with the client. This helps outline the scope of the project for the client and is great to be able to refer to as we go to gauge progress and help us stay on track. The next step is to set up a regular meeting schedule to see the process through. Then, we get started and work through the plan.

In all organizing jobs, some clients are more successful with organizing and other clients continue to struggle. What tips do you have to make your clients’ organizing projects a success?
1. Have a written plan. It helps the client through the process to be able to check things off as they go.
2. I have a signature process that I apply to every organizing project. I find that organizing is more effective if clients can follow specific steps and apply the same process to each space.
3. Keep a consistent schedule. Don’t end the session without scheduling and creating a plan for the next session.
4. Go above and beyond. Clients will respond well to your extra efforts.

If you feel virtual organizing is something you would like to try, contact Mind over Clutter and discuss it with Julie.

Julie Stobbe, professional organizerJulie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of physical activity to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

 TwitterFacebook Facebook group Organizing Mind and Space

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