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Proactive organizing (is it for you?)

By Julie Stobbe / September 20, 2022 /

My guest blogger is Harold Taylor from Taylor in Time. He is a time management specialist. On October 20/2021 is wrote this thought provoking article.

“There was an interesting study done by Joybird, a custom furniture company, on how Americans organize their homes. It involved a survey of 1900 people who were asked among other things, how often they organized their homes. Responses indicated that 48.1% of them tidy up their home every week, 17.1% every two weeks, 19.3% once a month, 6.5% every other month, 6.1% every six months, 2.4% once a year, and 0.5% never.

But what was conspicuously absent was the option of “all the time,” which to me would have been a popular choice. At least it is one I subscribe to, and seems to be the easiest, most efficient, and most proactive way of keeping on top of your work or housekeeping. To quote Mark Forster, in his book, Secrets of Productive People, “being on top of your work gives you a sense of energy and flow. Being behind causes stress, and results in exhaustion, burnout, and depression.”

Personally, I would rather make the bed when I get up, stick the dishes and a dishwasher after I eat, and make the school kids’ lunches before I go to bed the night before. I could straighten out the kitchen while my meal was cooking, clean the bathtub while I was taking my shower, and wipe out the basin in the morning after I washed my hands. It would be easy to clean the kitchen sink while the kettle boiled and relax with my coffee as I listened to the news.

If people were proactive, they would stop for gas when it was convenient, not when the gas gauge was showing empty. And they might have time to check the tires while they were there. When shopping, they could buy two frequently used, but non-perishable, items and buy another one at their convenience after the first one was used. It is the same principle with office supplies. They should never run out of sticky notes, printer paper, staples, pens, glue sticks, batteries, light bulbs and so on.

At night they could select the clothes that they wanted to wear the next day instead of leaving the decision until morning when they are still half asleep and rushed for time.

And of course, the more stuff they have in their home, the harder it is to keep orderly, whether clothes, jewelry, or whatever. I have a rule that when I buy something, such as a new sweater, I get rid of an older one.”

Many of my clients say they get tired of cleaning, decluttering and organizing all the time. Once things are organized it takes less time to put things away and clean things up. Everything has a place and you don’t have to think anymore about what to do with an item. Cleaning takes less time because you are not tidying up and cleaning. Surfaces are empty of “junk”. Most things in your life only take a few minutes to do. Do them right away, avoid big clean-ups and enjoy your time doing the things you want to do.

Let me know your thoughts about this article. Can you put things away and clean things up immediately after you are done using them?

Julie Stobbe Trained Professional Organizer

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually through Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of physical activity to reduce clutter, in your home and office. She guides and supports you in managing your time. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

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