
a pad of paper with the title Action Plan

Old habits are hard to break – accountability is key to beating procrastination

laptop  and a cell phone

8 tips to help you organize your email

Discovering passion projects to elevate your year


From insights to inspiration: why you should say yes to conferences

Open end questions Picture2

The Power of Curiosity

4 Ways to Quickly Declutter Your Mind

A happy woman on a beach.

Season’s Greetings

Man lying covered in cardboard boxes

How Packing and Storing Excess Items Can Slow Down Your Move and Increase Expenses

a red mug with a white edge with hugs and hot cocoa written on it.  Held with  hands with blue finger nails.

5 Tips for organizing a H.A.P.P.Y. holiday

a box wrapped in brown paper tied with a pink ribbon

Organize your clutter free gift giving list