Guide to merging two homes into one

My guest blogger this month is Jenna M. She is a stay-at-home mom who loves spending time online. She often explores social networks and writes blog posts on various topics such as cooking, home organization, moving house, etc.

Combining two households is not always easy – whatever the reason for this may be. Moving in with your partner, getting married, your colleague becoming a roommate – all of these bring different changes, both emotional and physical. Moving in together can be a big test for a love relationship, but also a test of how well you can get along with your new partner. Either way, merging two homes into one should be done with a proper plan and preparation, so you end up with a lovely home and a harmonious atmosphere. We’ve created a simple guide on making two households one, so you can be sure about what you can expect and how to deal with common challenges.

Communication is the key

As any other big step in life, moving in together should be discussed by both parties. It’s necessary to plan the whole moving process, including the look of your new home. Talk about the necessities like the working space, additional closet space, etc. Communication is the key to any successful project. By talking and agreeing on all the details, you will ensure a stress-free move and merge the two homes a lot faster and easier. Also, remember people often fight about the items in their homes. That’s why you should always keep in mind that these are just things, and very often, they are not worth fighting with your loved one.

When merging two homes into one, it’s all about communicating and accepting the changes – don’t fight over small details!

The first step of merging two homes into one – the selection of duplicates

Probably the hardest thing to do is to sort out double items in both homes and pick the favourites. As you won’t need duplicates, especially appliances and furniture, you will have to make a selection of items that will make the perfect home. To do this, you’ll have to make a list of the items both households have and decide which ones you’re going to keep. Here are some criteria you can consider:

  • style of the items – it’s natural that the styles of the two homes are different. So, once you decide on the style of the new home, see if the items match. Also, sometimes a fun mix-and-match can turn out to be amazing!
  • condition of your items – if you have two similar or identical items, you can keep the one that’s in a better condition or the one you bought more recently.
  • check if the item fits – measuring is another important part of merging two homes into one. Check if the items fit into the dedicated room, or if they need a smaller/bigger replacement.

Sometimes, if it’s too difficult to decide, buying a new item is the perfect solution. If you can’t decide which item is better to keep, maybe it’s fun to get rid of them both and go shopping for a new one together. And you can always sell old items at a garage sale or online and even make some money out of the merging process. However, if you still want to keep some items but can’t use them in your new home, storage can be a solution for excess furniture and other belongings you want to keep safe until you need them again.

Select all the duplicates you now have and decide together what you’re going to keep in the new household.

Merging two homes into one should be done with a proper plan and preparation, so you end up with a lovely home and a harmonious atmosphere. Share on X

Preparing for the merge

There are a couple of things you need to do before the big move, whether you’re moving into a new home or welcoming a new roommate.


Removing unnecessary things has several benefits. Besides making more space, you can significantly save time and money if you’re moving. So, start getting rid of all the things you don’t need or use anymore, as well as outdated and damaged items.


Clutter is no good, so make sure you get rid of it before merging two homes into one.

Compare floor plans

If you’re both moving into a new house, it’s good to compare floor plans and measure where each piece of furniture will go. This way you can put the items in their place as soon as you move in, and avoid making an unnecessary mess all around the house. However, if you have trouble organizing your home to maximize the space, try contacting an organizing pro to help you out. This will help you have a fresh start with a functional home.

Label the boxes

If you’re both moving in on the same day, it’s good to know what’s inside each box so you can unpack much faster. Make sure you label the boxes with your name, but also the items in them. It will be much easier to sort the boxes out and find certain items if you need them quickly.

General tips for merging two homes into one

Even though this is a big and exciting change, many people feel stressed when moving in with someone and often tend to make the event even worse by holding on to certain rules or items. So, here are some tips on how to make merging two homes a happy occasion and stay positive during the process:

  • Be open-minded – since you will be sharing your living space now, be sure to stay open-minded about the new home. It will be different from your old home, and that’s okay.
  • Don’t hold on to small things – it’s okay to have certain rules about sharing the living space or not give up on some important items, but don’t make a big thing out of small décor items, for example. Be ready to compromise and accept some other solutions proposed by your new roommate.
  • Respect the other party – no matter how well you know each other, make sure you respect the preferences and decisions of your new roommate. Also, don’t express negative opinions too loudly, especially when talking about the family heirlooms of your partner. Even if the item doesn’t suit your taste, you need to respect other people’s family items that have been handed down.

Finally, merging two homes into one should be about compromise and mutual respect. We’re sure that everything can be solved with a proper conversation. And even if you don’t like something now, you might change your opinion after a while, or find a solution to the problem. Stay positive about the new life change and do everything you can to make this a memorable event!

If you need help planning your move book a 30 minute complimentary virtual organizing assessment.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She enjoys working with her clients to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She reduces clutter, streamlines processes and manages time to help her clients be more effective in reaching their goals. Julie can coach you to break-free of the physical or emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

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  1. Seana Turner on September 20, 2020 at 11:11 am

    This can be such a challenging process. It reminds me of the scene from, “When Harry Met Sally,” and their friends are arguing over an ugly coffee table. No one wants to give up their stuff, right? It happens. Having these conversations in advance, rather than when the poor movers are standing there holding the table is worth the effort!

  2. Janet Barclay on February 15, 2021 at 6:48 am

    I’d have a hard time giving up a lot of my stuff if I were to blend households with someone else!

    • Julie Stobbe on February 15, 2021 at 4:55 pm

      I understand. Everyone likes their stuff that’s why they own it. Compromise is the key in a blended family. It is a very hard key to fit into the lock to open happiness.

  3. James Hall on January 31, 2022 at 11:56 pm

    I just found this article very useful and informative. I had a hard time understanding what exactly it meant when we read about merging two homes into one. Now, after reading your article, I am able to understand the concept better. This is a great article which will help me in my future plans of buying a house or renting out my home while relocating to another place for work purpose. Thanks once again for sharing such valuable information with us!

    • Julie Stobbe on February 1, 2022 at 11:04 am

      Thank you for your comment. Good luck with your moves and relocations.

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