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10 Downsizing your fears tips

By Julie Stobbe / March 10, 2020 /

If you are having trouble beginning the process of downsizing remember:

 1. Embrace your new lifestyle.

A small house on a green yard

2. You are still the same person; you just choose to have fewer belongings.

3. Simplicity reduces stress.

4. Saying “goodbye” to the past can open new doors in your future.

5. Your worth in is who you are and what you do, not in what you own.

6. Start with easy items to downsize and then move to the items that have sentimental value that are harder to let go of.

7. You are good at making decisions, you can let go of things and nothing bad will happen.

8. You have control of your situation, pick the time that is right for you to downsize your lifestyle.

9. You will have fewer possessions to take care of, maintain, store and organize and more time for things that are important in your life now.

10. Find a “downsizing buddy” and support each other in your project to downsize your lifestyles.  It is always easier when you have someone to talk to that is going through the same thing.The things you own should help you become the person you want to be. Click To Tweet

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Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, in person and virtually. She enjoys working with her clients to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situation. She reduces clutter, streamlines processes and manages time to help her clients be more effective in reaching their goals. Julie can coach you to break-free of the physical or emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. 

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