virtual organizing

a pad of paper with the title Action Plan

Old habits are hard to break – accountability is key to beating procrastination

Discovering passion projects to elevate your year

Man lying covered in cardboard boxes

How Packing and Storing Excess Items Can Slow Down Your Move and Increase Expenses

a red mug with a white edge with hugs and hot cocoa written on it.  Held with  hands with blue finger nails.

5 Tips for organizing a H.A.P.P.Y. holiday


10 Steps to an organized kitchen


How to master the fear of decluttering

A little girl cleaning.

Teaching your children to keep their rooms clean and organized

A blue square with a white circle instide containing a list of 9 types of clothing items to remove from your closet

Quick declutter challenge week 6 – clothing

5 Bathroom organizing tips

A white circle on a blue background with a list of 9 things to declutter.

Quick declutter challenge 4 – Livingroom