Virtual organizers virtually organize anything

A laptop sitting on a desk open with 2 plants beside it. Virtual organizing, save money get organized anywhere anytime

Did you think virtual organizing was about using online tools and technologies to get organized? Working at a task solving your organizing dilemmas on your own by listening to videos?

Organizing can be done remotely, via video conferencing, email, phone calls, or other forms of communication with a Professional Organizer. Instead of having an organizer physically come to your location, we work virtually to get organized, set goals, manage projects, and keep track of important information.

Why is it important to work with a virtual organizer?

Some people might think if the Professional Organizer is not in your home doing the work with you why not work alone?  There are many benefits to having the expertise of a Professional Organizer available remotely.

  • Increased productivity: A virtual organizer can help you set goals and prioritize your tasks, which can help you get more done in less time.
  • Reduced stress: Receiving advice, steps and guidance that you can use immediately to organize your home or office with the organizer online with you, will provide a sense of control and reduce feelings of overwhelm. If you run into a stumbling a block, no need to procrastinate, the virtual organizer is there to help.
  • Improved time management: A virtual organizer can help you manage your time more effectively by creating schedules and routines that are tailored to your needs. Imagine having your week, month or year in front of you to manage busy times of the year, know when all your household tasks are completed each week and by whom, plan fun parties and stop double booking your commitments. While working online with you a virtual organizer can prompt you to think about items you may have forgotten or never even considered scheduling.
  • Better decision making: Some people are afraid to make decisions.  They fear making the wrong decision or making a decision that will hurt someone’s feelings. They may not have built their confidence that they are good at making decisions.  Working with a virtual organizer gives you someone to talk with about what to keep, what to do next, and how to allocate your resources. When you’re organized, you’re better able to make informed decisions about what tasks to prioritize, what items to keep and what goals to set for the future.
  • Enhanced focus: A virtual organizer can help you stay focused on your goals by providing accountability and guidance. If you start procrastinating, your online organizer will notice and keep you heading toward your goal. The accountability and guidance can be at the time you are working or during scheduled mini organizing sessions.
  • Virtual: It’s a convenient and cost-effective option for people who want to get organized but can’t meet with an organizer in person.   It is a good option for those who prefer a more flexible and self-directed approach to organizing. You can work on your own schedule to suit your personality and lifestyle.

Virtual organizing is the process of organizing and managing your space and time with an actual live human offering you support and knowledge. Virtual organizing is a great way to stay on top of your tasks and responsibilities and make the most of your time and resources.

woman sitting in front of a computer speaking with someone on another computer

How to Get Started with Virtual Organizing

Determine your goals and priorities:

Virtual organizers can virtually organize anything.  Everyone’s goals are different.  You may want to have a room/ space organized so it functions better.  You may need help with time management, scheduling or building routines that help to get the many tasks in a home or office completed quickly and on time without expending a lot of energy thinking about them.

Establish a routine and stick to it:

Scheduling time to work on your priorities is the only way they will move forward.  Why am I writing this?  Talking and planning about your project are important, the work actually has to happen too.  Setting time aside helps you to be accountable and prevents procrastination.  

Communicate with your virtual organizer regularly:  

Meeting with your virtual organizer on a regular basis will help to get the tasks completed.  Meetings can take many forms, including an email, text, phone call, 30 minute mini session or longer sessions while you are working on your task. Don’t think it is a one time conversation to get information and then you are on your own to struggle through the project. Most people are more successful if they use all the services and support the virtual organizer offers.

Track your progress and make adjustments as needed:

No plan is perfect.  As you move forward on your project it is important to evaluate the progress and plan.  You may need to adjust the length of time you schedule for working.  Some people do better with many short sessions and others like one longer one.  The length of the session may vary depending on the project and not only your style. A virtual organizer can offer suggestions, encouragement and information so you continue to complete your project successfully.

a cartoon with the word timeline across the bottom and a person running on top to reach the finish line flag.

Tips for Successful Virtual Organizing

Stay motivated and focused:

Your virtual organizer is not the only person who can help you stay focused and motivated.  Talk to friends about what you’re doing.  This will help you to keep the project at the forefront of your schedule.  They will ask how it is going and you will want to give them updates on your success. Use your technology to remind you of your work schedule and goals so you continue to see the benefits you are achieving.  

Keep your virtual organizer updated: 

Don’t avoid your virtual organizer.  We are here to help move you forward.  Lots of times life gets in the way and the organizing project gets derailed.  Tell the virtual organizer exactly what is going on so you can work together to make adjustments.  On the other hand, celebrating together on your success is enjoyable for both parties.

Celebrate your successes: 

Whether big or small it is important to recognize the success you are making in reaching your goals.

Be open to feedback and suggestions: 

Feedback and suggestions are a way to have a conversation to discover what is working well and what is not.  Both parties need to understand this. I always tell my clients if they can’t get something completed then we haven’t found the best process yet.  As a virtual organizer, I need feedback on how to best help my clients.  They may want me to push them a little harder to get something done, be more understanding about their situation, be a motivating force to help them remember why this is important to them etc.


Although some people may prefer physical organizing, virtual organizing offers many benefits, including increased productivity, reduced stress, improved time management, better decision-making, and enhanced focus. Give it a try.  Working with a human being is easier than navigating technology on your own or interacting with a robot. Almost everyone can use some help organizing something in their life.  Whatever bothers you the most, start with that task and let a virtual organizer walk you through the steps, give you the knowledge and help you be accountable so you will feel less stressed, happier and more relaxed. If you’re looking for a convenient and effective way to get organized and stay on top of your tasks and responsibilities, virtual organizing is a great option.

I think I have covered all the reasons it is fun and not scary to work with a virtual organizer.  I would like to hear your thoughts.
A head shot of Julie Stobbe with a blue and white striped background.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Lifestyle Organizing Coach who brings happiness to homes and organization to offices, coaching you virtually using Zoom. She has been working with clients since 2006 to provide customized organizing solutions to suit their individual needs and situations. She uses her love of teaching to reduce clutter, in your home, office, mind and time. She guides and supports you to be accountable for your time, to complete projects and to reach your goals. If you’re in a difficult transition Julie can coach you to break-free of emotional clutter constraining you from living life on your terms. Online courses are available to help instruct, coach and support your organizing projects. Get started by downloading Tips for Reorganizing 9 Rooms.

Contact her at

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  1. Charmaine Grace on June 12, 2023 at 10:10 am

    Thank you Julie. You answered a huge question I just never asked.
    Julie is an excellent organizer – even virtually. Check out her course.

    • Julie Stobbe on June 27, 2023 at 11:20 am

      It can be hard to imagine working virtually to get organized. Organizing is so much more than putting things in the right spot. It is motivation, planning, knowledge and accountability. It is great to have someone help you with all those steps while you accomplish the physical labour.

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